Become a Volunteer

August 14, 2024 Update:

  • The new Volunteer Portal has launched! 

Becoming a Volunteer Leader means you will have the opportunity to work directly with our athletes and staff to execute Special Olympics Washington’s signature events, competitions, and programs. Volunteer leadership roles include coaching, program leadership, games management, and more!

Volunteer Leader Roles: 

  • Coach, Assistant Coach, Program Coordinator, or Chaperone: Run a Special Olympics Washington sport program for athletes at the local level. Organize practices for athletes, coordinate program registration, and attend SOWA’s regional and state competitions.  
  • Area/Program Leadership Team: Provide oversight of Special Olympics Washington’s programs and initiatives at the area level. Ensure Special Olympics Washington is reflective of local/regional needs, provide guidance and coordination support to local Special Olympics Washington sport programs.  
  • Games Management Team (GMT): Provide planning and execution support of Special Olympics Washington’s regional and state competitions. 

Volunteer Leaders are the “Class A” volunteer type, which means they must complete prerequisites to ensure the safety of our athletes – find more details below: 

Coach, Assistant Coach Prerequisites  

Program Coordinator, Chaperone, Program Leadership, GMT Prerequisites 

Volunteer Leaders: Resources, Training and Development 

  • Volunteer Community Meeting  
  • Annual Volunteer Leadership Conference
  • Volunteers in Action Program (details to follow) 
  • Special Olympics Washington Internship Program (details to follow) 

Current Coaches: Resources, Training and Development   

Not quite ready to take on a volunteer leadership role? Join us at an event! Find upcoming opportunities here!